Rules and Regulations of Certificate Authority Review
Guidelines of Certificate Authority Review
Does Include:
- Very clear and helpful information about product/provider
- Choose the right Certificate Authority & their product which you are purchasing
- Why you like or dislike the certificate authority
- The Best of the Worst Reasons behind the ratings
Don’t Include:
- Don’t post any Fake SSL reviews of SSL provider/products
- Don’t spam or Solicitations
- Don’t use adult content in SSL review
- Don’t use violent language
If you have any query, suggestion or something wrong with descriptions, please do not include them in the SSL review section. For that, you can use our social platforms which are available from our website at the bottom of this page.
We will not post any SSL reviews which is an abuse of these guidelines.
All SSL certificate review, rating and written comments become the sole property of AboutSSL and may be used in its sole decision. Customers ratings and comments are live within 48 hours. AboutSSL reserves the right to eliminate or rubbish to post any comments or submissions for any reason. AboutSSL is not responsible for any submission content.