SSL Certificate Error in Nginx HTTP Server
Quickly Resolve Nginx HTTP Server Error while Installing an SSL certificate!

Being open source, it’s really important to have security on the Nginx HTTP server as it could raise the possibility of online data vulnerability. Hence, the experts of web security panels have always advisable that Nginx HTTP Server must have an SSL certificate to encrypt the communication between user browser and web server.
There are multiple issues when it comes to SSL certificate installation on Nginx HTTP server and due to this error, users always used to being escaped with SSL certificate installation. Our experts of SSL certificate security panels have analyzed all this SSL error on Nginx HTTP server and assess them with quick and easy solution.
“Client Certificate Unable to Validate with Intermediate Certificate”
In case of Client Certificate validation, you must have trusted root certificate which must have signed by third part Certificate Authority such as Symantec™, GeoTrust™, Thawte™ and RapidSSL®. If your website have root certificate which is self-signed then client certificate will not be validated successfully.