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Top 10 Reasons Why SSL Is Important For Your Website

Install SSL/TLS Certificate & Keep Your Website Visitors Secured

In today’s date, online businesses are becoming the norm. As technology is advancing, that many people are getting relied upon, and purchasing something from a website is not something considered new nowadays.

If you have a business, then it’s for sure that you might be giving equal importance to your website or might be thinking to consider it. Having a website is useful. It’ll help you boost your sales, conversion, and even your brand reputation.

why ssl
Having a website for your business is considered necessary in today’s date, but it’s also essential that your website doesn’t appear as fake or malicious. In today’s date, people are aware of the online threats, and no one would like to put a trust on a website if it creates even a single question in mind whether to trust this website or not – Yes, and SSL/TLS certificate helps to maintain that trust.

Let’s find out what are some of the common reasons to install an SSL/TLS certificate into your website. And why you’ll incur a massive loss if you fail to do so.

Reasons to Install an SSL/TLS Certificate

Below are some of the reasons that shouldn’t overlook:

1. Protects Sensitive Data While Ensuring Your Website Security

SSL/TLS certificate offers robust encryption between your website and the client. If you fail to install an SSL/TLS certificate, all your sensitive data will travel in plain text, which can be an easy target for malicious hackers. For instance, any website visitor enters any sensitive information on a website, if there’s no SSL/TLS certificate its open to attack such as MITM due to which all their data can be intercepted before reaching your web server. With the help of an SSL/TLS certificate, you can overcome such issues by encrypting in-transit data – SSL/TLS certificates provides an encrypted tunnel between the client and the webserver making transferred data unreadable to third-party.

2. Authentication

Certificate authorities like Sectigo, who issue SSL/TLS certificate, perform strict verification of the applicants as per their stringent policies before publishing it. For example, if you’re an organization, then you’ll be asked to provide your business registration details, along with other things. If you’ve applied for EV (Extended Validated) SSL/TLS certificate, your verification will become even more stringent, which helps in assuring users that you’re genuine. They’re safe to browse and can do transactions over your website.

3. SSL/TLS Certificate Is Needed for Being PCI Compliant

If your website deals with sensitive information, especially financial ones, like credit card details, then your website must comply with the guidelines of the PCI DSS ((Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). And SSL/TLS certificate is one of the essential factors considered in their policies.

4. Customer Trust

Many people are aware of the SSL/TLS certificate, and if they visit any website, it’s pretty sure they’ll look for the HTTPS in the URL – SSL padlock, which helps users trusting your website. No doubt, HTTPS padlock isn’t enough, but it gives a sense of security, and further users can even click the padlock to further inspect regarding SSL.TLS certificate along with the one who issued it. If the certificate authority who issued SSL for your website is globally known like Sectigo, it will boost trust and help them understand that your website is entirely safe to deal with.

5. Enhanced Brand Reputation

If your website is not secured enough to give assurance to visitors that you’re safe to deal with, it’s a sure way to downfall. They’ll tend to resist visiting your website, which means fewer visitors and less conversion. On the other hand, if you’ve got an SSL/TLS certificate installed on your website, it’ll create an encrypted tunnel for all the sessions between visitors and your server. It’ l help protecting all the vital information of the user, such as name, address, phone number, credit card details resulting in a secured and reliable brand.

6. Google Says SSL Is Mandatory

SSL/TLS certificate is not optional anymore. If you fail to comply with the policy of Google related to the SSL/TLS certificate, your website visitors will face the warning message “Not Secure” on all the popular web browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. No doubt, no one is going to call you for this. Still, the losses you incur can be massive that it can even take ages to recover from it, as your website may even stop loading and instead gives warning message to users that they’re not dealing with the safe website.

Eventually, it may even make them run away to your competitors.

7. SSL/TLS Certificate Secures Your Traffic While Preserving Customers

As said earlier, no SSL/TLS certificate means security warnings from all the popular web browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. But, sometimes, failure to install an SSL certificate also blocks the website to load on the browser due to which visitors go away. Therefore, it’s suggested by TheDigiLead Expert Web Developers to establish an SSL/TLS certificate in your development phase itself before making it live.

It’ll help you stay worry-free about all those dreaded SSL warnings, and you’ll be able to preserve your customer’s privacy, which will make them one of the regular visitors.

8. Boost in SEO Ranking

If SSL/TLS certificate is installed on your website, then you may get a little boost in the ranking of search results. However, the content of your website, how easy it’s to navigate your website, and other factors do make a difference. Still, the installation of an SSL/TLS certificate is also one small part when it comes to improved search ranking results.

9. Become a Part of “HTTPS Everywhere”

When Google announced regarding making SSL connection compulsory, no one took it seriously, and later on, it became a reality. Many even had to face the consequence if they still fail to follow that policy. Nowadays, more than 80% website is encrypted using SSL/TLS certificate. The search engine giant Google gone through several actions and finally pushed all types of websites to join the HTTPS revolution.

So, join the campaign of making the internet a safer place by installing an SSL/TLS certificate.

10. Affordable

Nowadays, SSL/TLS certificates are relatively cheap. So, it shouldn’t be considered as any significant expense. It’s best that you go around and check the prices and determine the cheap SSL certificate providers. Also, if you search for, you may come across coupon codes that help you lower down already low prices.

Finally, SSL/TLS certificate is mandatory and also considered as an investment instead of an expense. So, no doubt your website will reap the benefits, whether it’s maintaining brand reputation or giving assurance to users that you’re trustworthy and your site is safe to deal with.


In today’s date, whether to install an SSL/TLS certificate is not the question. However, if you want your users to keep coming back at your website regularly, then it’s a must as SSL/TLS certificate has become mandatory. Though you can have one question about whether to use a free SSL/TLS certificate, then the problem is legit. Because free SSL/TLS certificate like Let’s Encrypt is trusted by the browsers.

However, you can consider free SSL for any blog. Still, if you’re an organization or the one who deals with financial details, then you must go for the certificate provided by a trusted certificate provider as they make you go through a stringent verification process, which is not possible with free SSL/TLS certificate. Also, free certificates are readily available to malicious hackers, which can impersonate your website. So, if you have a certificate from a trusted certificate authority, users will be able to make a difference, whether you’re genuine or not.

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