6 Amazing Features of the Latest IoT Development Kit

IoT Development Kit – Top Features
Simplify Building IoT Solutions with Tessel 2
There are tools such as Tessel 2, with the help of which you can create basic IoT prototypes and solutions. It can be a massive help in handling numerous modules and sensors. It is a board which can have the capacity to hold a maximum of twelve modules which includes RFID, GPS, accelerometer, and camera. It is particularly useful for Java developers who work with Node. JS as it can be easily programmed by using Node.JS to unveil a wide range of devices within minutes. The Tessel 2 has two processors and uses a 580 MHz MediaTek MT760n and 48 MHz Atmel SAMD21 coprocessor. One of the processors help you run the firmware applications run smoothly and quickly, the other processor helps in improved input/output control and efficient power management.
Gain Technical Expertise with Eclipse IoT
One development kit that can help you gain a lot of technical expertise is Eclipse IoT. It has a massive assembly of services and projects which covers a lot in the field. It comes in handy for IoT developers when building cloud platforms, IoT devices, and Gateways. It is widely recognized as an excellent collaboration of several companies and individuals who are continually striving development and are looking to establish IoT open technologies. It can help you promote, develop and also adopt different open source technologies. In the process, you get a lot of technical expertise.
Quicken the Development Process with Platform IO
Comodo Positive SSL
RapidSSL Certificate
Thawte SSL123 Certificate
Exercise Better Control with Arduino
Arduino is an ideal choice for anyone who is looking to build a computer system which is capable of sensing and controlling the physical world better than the regular standalone computers. It offers a perfect mixture of IoT software and hardware. It is an easy-to-use platform which is also be used for open source prototyping. It works by operating through some hardware specifications which can easily be applied to different types of interactive electronics. When choosing the software you have the option to either pick Arduino Programming Language (APL) or the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). You can opt for several Arduino tutorials online to get more insights and make your learning curve steeper.
Get Support for Many IoT Products with IFTTT
If This Then That, better known as IFTTT, started out primarily for home automation. However, with time it has also made a significant mark in the support services offered by some of the best technology firms in the world like Wemo, Philips Hue and Nest. With the help of IFTTT, you can easily connect and control a wide range of IoT automation devices. The webhook feature is a critical element of this tool as it can help establish a secure connection with several other IoT applications. It is a unique feature that has impressed many expert developers all over the world.
Simplify Your IoT Development Routine with Losant
The process of building IoT solution is a long and a tedious one. The best way to reduce the time and the challenges of building IoT solution is to utilize a top class platform. If you are looking for a platform like this, then there is no better choice than
There is a host of other IoT development kit which is useful to the developers. Some of them include M2M lab mainspring which is useful for remote monitoring and fleet management, and IBM Watson, which is useful for cognitive computing. The features offered by the latest tools and kits can help the developers to come up with the next generation of applications that are powered by the Internet of Things. A revolution beckons and this could be just the impetus needed for us to go to the next level.
About Saurabh Hooda
Saurabh has worked globally for telecom and finance giants in various capacities. After working for a decade in Infosys and Sapient, he started his first startup, Lenro, to solve a hyperlocal book-sharing problem. He is interested in product marketing, and analytics. His latest venture Hackr.io recommends the best React tutorial and online programming courses for every programming language. All the tutorials are submitted and voted on by the programming community.