Artificial Intelligence is a field of science which is focused more on finding solutions to complex problems by taking intelligent decisions. This decision-making ability is integrated into software through algorithms which assist them in making real human decisions. Initially, it was found to be too complicated to replicate the human brain into the software. Hence, it was decided to focus on decision-making mechanisms. Thus AI can efficiently be used in situations where there is a need to analyze a tremendous amount of data and providing timely solutions. With the rise of technological inventions, Artificial Intelligence AI was able to make its place in cybersecurity. It provides innovative ways to increase cybersecurity, which is based on processes and technologies designed to protect networks from unauthorized access or to prevent damage to the information present in the network.

How Machine Learning and AI in Cyber Security work?
Every organization, whether it is big or small, transmit a vast amount of data, both locally and globally through networks and online systems. This data is stored in a system which can be attacked by an external interface for extracting sensitive information. The substantial amount of such data include personal or financial information, intellectual property, or any other similar data which if get exposed can lead to serious consequences and at times a threat to security. Such conditions will arise only if there are insufficient cybersecurity measures. Cybersecurity, therefore, ensures that data thefts and cyber-attacks are detected timely, and attackers are not able to exploit vulnerabilities which can lead to compromising of sensitive systems. To deal with such challenges, various agencies and organizations have explored ways of implementing AI in their regular cyber risk operations. The incorporation of AI with cybersecurity will reduce pressure on humans as they can detect intrusion earlier and can further help in mitigating further attacks.
Implementation of AI in Cybersecurity
The existing security software and database prevention algorithms provide a restricted scope; thus, they are not able to spot potential threats in real time. On the other hand, adaptive machine learning algorithms which are based on AI are designed to detect any suspicious activity intelligently and inform the user about the attack. Further, these machine learning algorithms are designed in a way that they continuously learn and inherit those properties permanently. Thus AI has the potential to increase their resistance with the scale of ongoing attacks. Below find some of the frequently used approaches of incorporated AI into cybersecurity:
- Biometric login access
- Machine Learning through Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Cybersecurity Ratings
- Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention
Comodo Positive SSL
RapidSSL Certificate
Thawte SSL123 Certificate
Positive Impact of AI on Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) based measures which are taken for protecting their networks and systems from cyber-attacks in the virtual world. Thus AI can assist in keeping the cyberspace clean and secure by applying security measures through algorithms and mathematical calculations. Here are some of the advantages of an AI-based cybersecurity plan:
a) Identify & Prevent Cyber Attack
The cybersecurity system which has been upgraded with AI can easily identify the unexpected attacks on the cyberspace, which mostly include high security based official websites. When any hacker tries to mediate the system for initiating the cyber-attack, the AI-based algorithm will detect it on the spot and prevent any further intervention. Mostly virus attacks and malware are used by hackers for triggering the attack which leaves the complete network and system clueless as what exactly happened. Hence this is the stage where AI plays its part and provide security measures for protecting the system against a series of attacks by applying relevant algorithms. AI and machine learning play a crucial role here as machine learning will analyze the path which has been traversed by the websites for detecting areas which can lead to malicious domains. Whereas AI-based algorithms will help in recognizing malicious files and will automatically isolate them from the system.
b) Requires Minimum Human Intervention
High-security websites are dependent upon AI for detecting any unauthorized entry and combat it even without any direct human involvement. AI algorithms are trained by humans to analyze the micro-behavior of attacks and malicious activities for recognizing the attack before it halts the entire system. Further, AI-based cybersecurity systems are adding new horizons as it is making use of predictive analytics, which will provide a more fast and effective approach as compared to manual human intervention. Another level of security which is integrated into such systems is multi-factor authentication process for individual users. With the help of this approach, the system will collect all relevant credentials which are required for accessing the system. After this collsected information will be analyzed against user behavior, application, and device and data location. Thus AI-powered systems will automatically change preferences and privileges based on the environment and remote networks, which will further help in ensuring data protection.
c) Securing Large-Scale Platforms Beyond Traditional Methods
AI systems are supportive at every level, especially for logins and password protected areas where biometric logins have been applied. Systems and areas are thus secured through AI based scan fingerprints, palm prints and retina images which provide secure biometric login access. Numerous cybersecurity firms are working on devising patterns through which AI-powered systems will be able to collect data automatically from various studies, news, and articles. Once the data is collected, it will then be utilized with Natural Language Processing (NLP) for detecting threats and malicious activities. Further large scale platforms have incorporated AI-powered systems which can create a real-time and dynamic framework which provides access based on global authentication.
Limitation of using AI for Cybersecurity
Summing up the role of AI in cybersecurity, it can be asserted that there exists a rapid change in the detection and prevention of cybersecurity challenges. With the aid of AI and machine learning networks can detect any cybersecurity breach and then inform authorities about it for taking preemptive measures in no time. There are still some areas of AI which are uncovered by researchers, and that is where cybersecurity vulnerabilities exist. Some hackers are trying to utilize AI for fulfilling their wrong intentions; hence, they work on developing processes which can assist them in breaking against the cyber securities. Undoubtedly, AI is adding values in security levels for individuals and corporations, but if it is used negatively will spread the power in wrong hands. It can, therefore, be concluded that AI is still in its infancy, and there is a lot more to discover and explore this fantastic technology.
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About Stella Lincoln
Stella Lincoln is working as a web security analyst at Crowd Writer. Previously she had worked with Harper Collins Publisher as a writing consultant. She scripts every article in detail. Thus it allows her to integrate her security analyst skills with her visualization to formulate a compelling end product.