Compare SSL Certificate by Types
SSL Certificate Comparison by SSL Certificate Types
Here, a user can find a superior level SSL knowledge by SSL certificate certificates based on SSL certificate types; which helps him to understand which SSL certificate/CA will suit best for his website or business.
Here’re the List of SSL Certificate Types & Comparison:
Compare Standard (DV) SSL Certificates
As the certificate authority (CA) only need to verify owner’s domain information it takes few minutes to issue DV SSLs. Comodo, GeoTrust, Thawte, RapidSSL, GoDaddy have highly used standard SSL certificate authorities.
Top 5 Standard SSL Certificates Recommended by
Compare Wildcard SSL Certificates
A business with multiple sub-domains doesn’t need to carry individual SSL certificates, a single wildcard will work for all sub-domains. Wildcard SSL Certificates are available in both domain validation (DV) and organization validation (OV) options.
Top 5 Wildcard SSL Certificates Recommended by
Compare Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates
It displays green colored address bar along with organization name in URL which indicated the business is verified by a certificate authority. E-commerce, banking, social network, etc. websites are using EV SSL Certificate. Comodo, Symantec, GeoTrust, Thawte, DigiCert, GoDaddy are the highest recommend EV SSL authorities.
Top 5 Extended Validation Certificates Recommended by
Compare Organization Validation (OV) SSL Certificates
The Certificate Authority (CA) ask for several documents from the company for validation and after the verification process, they issue OV SSL Certificate. GeoTrust, Thawte, Comodo, Symantec, DigiCert are highly recommended OV SSL certificate authorities.
Top 5 Organization Validation SSL Certificates Recommended by
Compare Code Signing Certificates
Code signing certificate can secure Microsoft documents, java applets, android & iOS apps, MAC Software, Adobe files, brew Apps etc.… Comodo, Thawte, Symantec & GoDaddy are widely used Code Signing certificate brands.
Top 4 Code Signing Certificates Recommended by
Compare Multi Domains SSL Certificates
Multi-domain SSL comes up with domain validation, extended validation and organization validation. Comodo, Thawte, Symantec, GeoTrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy are highly recommended Multi-domain SSL authorities.