Google Flagged Self-Sign Certificate from HTTPs Ranking Signal

SSL Certificate comes up three types as Domain Validation, Organization Validation and Extended Validation which are signed by Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) and all web & mobile browser trust them as well. A user can adopt any of these certificate for 1-3 year of time limit.
But in case of Self-Signed SSL Certificate, they were signed by the issuer itself which means they are not signed by trusted CA and web browser will display an error message for un-trusted connection. This make Google to think about whether to trust Self-Signed SSL Certificate! Finally, Google Announced not to trust Self-Signed Certificate for flagged it from SEO ranking signal.
Comodo Positive SSL
RapidSSL Certificate
Thawte SSL123 Certificate
Why Google Flagged Self-Signed SSL from Ranking Signal?
Since Google announced Ranking Boost with HTTPS page, the web crawler was only checking whether a page has HTTPS or not; it never checked that page is working https or not. Invalid HTTPS can put the user in risk of information. So Google team have now powered web crawler and create methods which first checks whether the Certificate is valid or not before giving rank to that website/webpage. If we talk about Self-sign certificates, it is the same situation we’ve discussed above. Most web browsers do not trust it, and it contains some privacy-related factors which can put the user at critical risk.
Google’s Webmaster Trend Analyst John Miller twitted about this issue as “Self-signed usually won’t work in browsers, so we’d flag that.”
If your website is strengthening with content and if you care about search engine and online reparation of your site, it is better not to install a self-sign SSL certificate and get a valid SSL Certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority.