SSL Certificates for Small Business – Earn Customer Trust
Study shows, generally all small businesses are avoid spending more amount of money on security of their website and server which opens door for hackers and they easily hack user’s information. If a small business really cares about security of their user’s private data, then they must need to adopt a strong security mechanism like SSL Certificate.
SSL certificates are aimed to secure the communication between web browser (Client) and server, which means during data transmission everything remains encrypted and secured and it will no longer allowed to access by any one. An SSL certificate contains strong Cryptographic Algorithm which is made up of hash function which secure website and encrypt everything.
Small e-commerce business collects user’s personal information such as email address, physical location, login credentials, phone number etc. and during payment process it collects user’s financial information (debit/credit card or net-banking details), this all information must remain safe during information exchange between browser & server and SSL certificate is the only option available which lets admin to encrypt everything into his website.
A website which starts with HTTPS:// is called as secured or SSL enabled website.
Why SSL Certificate for Small Business?
Offers High-Security Environment – an SSL certificate encrypts website with its 2048-bit strong signature and 256-bit longer encryption key length. This combination of signature and encryption key is very much harder for cyber attackers to break.
Indicators to Boost up Business Sales –There are some SSL certificate indicators such as an organization name in the browser address bar, website seal, and HTTPS:// in the URL.
All these SSL certificate indicators ensure the users that a website is safe and encrypted using a trusted SSL Certificate Authority, the business is genuine & legitimate, and there will be no harm to share financial and personal information with them.
Increases Business Sale and conversation rate – Adopting an SSL certificate helps small business owners to earn more money by increasing the conversation rate, and it also helps to boost up a business reputation over the internet.
Ranking Boost in Google – Recently Google announced to hike ranking in SERP for the website who have adopted an SSL Certificate for user’s security, which means if a small business installs an SSL certificate into its sever, Google will help it to increase ranking and to build a leadership position in search engine.
Note: Google is not considering Self-sign SSL certificate as ranking signal –

SSL Certificate Types & Description
Generally, an SSL certificate classified into three major categories as Domain validation, Organization/Business Validation, and Extended Validation.
Here, Domain validated SSL certificate is used to secure website which collects less amount of user’s information or else no financial information is being collected. It only displays https:// with URL.
Comodo Positive SSL
RapidSSL Certificate
Thawte SSL123 Certificate
An Extended Validation SSL certificate delivers the industry’s highest level of encryption and trust. It is used by all the websites which deal with sensitive information, for example, E-commerce, banking, social media, government, etc.
Which SSL a Small Business Requires?
A small business which collects user’s personal information as well as financial and sensitive information for online transactions, an Organization validated SSL Certificate runs best. An OV SSL certificate indicates that business is legitimate and they care for user’s security. 2048-bit active signature and 256-bit long length encryption key offer a higher layer of security and trust.
Before you go to buy SSL Certificate for your business, please take a note on following mandatory factors as
- Certificate Price – the price of SSL Certificate always important for a small business, compare various certificate authority SSL certificate based on prices and choose the one which fits in your budget. You can compare SSL certificate baes on types and price.
- Certificate authority – Selection of certificate authority plays a crucial role in the success of a small or medium business. Make sure CA must come up with a trusted website seal, and it must contain website and business details. If the CA is recognized by the customers, they will do business with you, but if they get confused to recognize, they will surely not to the business. So first review each SSL certificate authority, compare them and take a decision which one suits best for your business website.
- Encryption Type – Today 256-bit or SHA-2 in considered as preferred encryption length for SSL certificate which is acceptable by all leading browsers, operating systems, and devices. SHA-1 and 128-bit encryption is yesterday’s news so make sure you go with 256-bit or SHA-2 while generating CSR (Certificate Signing Request).
- Document requirement – To validate business, certificate authority will ask to submit various legal business documents, first check which documents certificate is asking for an after that make a decision which certificate authority will suit best.
There are lots of OV SSL Certificate vendors available which offers it at an affordable price. Here’s the list of cheap organization validated SSL certificate vendors, take a look –